Sunday, February 21, 2010

Grandma Can Sang!

I was sitting today at church, the youth choir, was singing, they did a hip hop number, they did a mime, and they did a small drama piece! It was very inspiring, and I love watching the youth sang! However, this blog entry is about grandma who decided to belt it out next to me while the youth was singing! This women, took the lead as if it was her solo. She had to be like 90 years old. She decided to even add her own ad libs, she clapped, jumped, and I felt her energy, as she rocked the church! She was awesome, and her voice was stunning, vibrato was a little slow, but she sang for the blood of Jesus! You would have thought you were standing next to Ella Fitzgerald! I was so inspired by the youth and the old! Grandma better SANG!

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