Friday, February 12, 2010

Temple Grandin

I watched this movie called "Temple Grandin" on HBO, the other evening. It is about a young genius who has autism! How she views the world with autism, and her struggle to be "normal" in life! You truly throughout the movie had a chance to see Temple through her eyes. It was beautifully filmed, and informative! I loved this flick, the talent, the writing, the visuals, and the pure inspiration of the film! I don't know much about autism, but this has opened my eyes in such a stunning light. I am always a sucker for a true story, therefore this tugged at my heart strings. HBO, always know how to pick some innovative, yet, good stuff, that has an awesome message.

Now to the star of this flick, Claire Danes, her performance is riveting! Every time I see Mrs. Danes in a film, I become more of a fan. Her work was so extensive, researched, honest, stunning, and brilliant! I loved watching the choices she made, and how well, she comes up with such an extraordinary character. It is harder sometimes to play, someone who was living and real! To do that life justice, stay true to the essences of that persons character, and yet stay out of your head, and do some awesome work. The purity of Claire of Danes, has put her to the top of my list of great a actor!

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