Saturday, February 20, 2010

Am I in Elementary School Again?

I am in class, five days a week, as most of you know! On Tuesday and Thursday, I have a class called vocal production, which deals with your personal speech, breathe support, and diction. I was in class this week, and honestly, was bored to tears. We were doing monologues for speech, and not for acting intentions. BORING!!!! Don't get me wrong, I'm sure I could be learning a ton from listening to other folks speech problems. However, my old ass, really didn't care, and I know that is terrible! The old professional who has the most extensive resume in the class, is slacking. I just have to be honest, and that is how I felt, BORED! Now mind you, I have many speech issues my dog on self. I should be paying close attention, but I still don't care. However, my speech problems, has not affected me working, and being able to sustain an eight show a week schedule! Listening to my other class mates, made me watch the clock tick tock very slowly! Therefore, I sat next to a beautiful young actress named Molly!. We decided to pass silly notes back and forth. The fear of getting caught was fun. The giggling under my breathe, and drawing silly pictures made me smile. It also made the time go by faster. I felt like I was in 5Th grade passing notes across the room. I guess my school attitude is still the same and I'm not perfect! I have always been the type that if you don't really challenge me, then, my attention goes out the window. I also don't agree with my teacher much, and this stems from being in my 30's, having worked a ton, knowing what I want, and knowing who I am. I have many opinions about the business and tried many different things, I know what works for me, therefore it is hard to break down my views. Oh, elementary school here I go again! I will say that this class has helped my breathing and breathe support. It is amazing how freely I am singing in auditions, with such ease, and I will credit my vocal production class for that. I am still obsessed and loving my acting portion of the schooling! I love it, and I'm constantly learning new things about myself! I'm also happy I had the passing note session the other day in class, cause I can use that "youthful feeling" again, if I am ever playing a character who needed that boredom, and angst!

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