Saturday, February 6, 2010

Taylor Swift

This young beautiful blonde who was tortured by Kanye West, and who is winning accolades for her debut album, I had no opinion of! Except my heart went out to her, and thought why is Mr. West messing with this poor little girl. Although the whole situation made me laugh, and I did agree completely with Kanye's statement, because no matter how you put it, "Ring On It", by Beyonce Knowles revolutionized music video's. I have never seen so many "you tubes" of one song, she caused mania, and it was amazing what Beyonce did with that video. Taking all of Fosse's old dances and mixing it with contemporary was genius. It was a music video awards show right? However that is a whole different story. Back to our young teen Mrs. Taylor Swift, who recently won the big award on Grammy night, album of the year. J.R. Whittington has now formed an opinion on our countries little sweetheart! Yes I think she is cute, and the songs she written, (which is a talent, for a young girl), or catchy and cute as well. However, and this a big HOWEVER, I was appalled to find out that she can't sing! I had no idea, that the girl, that everyone is fighting for, sings completely off the pitch. WOW, as I was appalled last Sunday night watching the Grammy Awards. Her singing was the worse thing I had ever heard in my career. Making Brittany Spears sound like she can sing like Barbara Streisand! I felt so bad for the girl, up there giving US, bad karaoke to her own music. I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt, by saying, "yeah she is having a bad night". "She went sharp and flat a little a couple times". "The venue was big, and she couldn't hear herself". Those are excuses I would give to someone who hit one or two bad notes. HOWEVER, I can't even do that for the poor child, she would sing whole phrases off the pitch, and her voice had no resonating sound, or inkling of talent that "swifted" out of that dried up talent free throat. I'm sad I'm bashing the poor little girl, and I wish her continued success, but it is my blog, and sometimes I like to vent about our industry. Ex specially when I can name over 50 blonde's right now, who can write music, are struggling artist, and can sing rings around Taylor Swift! Mrs. Swift, I like to be proven wrong, and I truly hope you deserved your accolades, but I have a feeling I won't be proven wrong! Well, we shall see what the future beholds. Taylor you have to run home to the bank, cash in, because boo, you got a ton of work to do. Grammy Voter's I can't blame you, I guess you can't hear that Taylor can't sing, with "pro tools" as her best friend!

P.S. you should all check out Kelly Clarkson Blog! She had an awesome response, because some comment was made by Taylor Swifts People, after she commented on Taylor's horrible performance! I love Kelly Clarkson!

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