Saturday, July 11, 2009


OK OK OK, it is summertime, and it is time to lay by the pool, and go to the beach! To wear nice light clothes, and to enjoy life! To feel that sun, beat down on your face, and just to let all the gloom out of your system. This summer for me, has been great, and I plan on it only getting better.

Music Music Music, you always associate music with the summer time! Right now, the music I'm feeling and a must have for the summertime is Lady Ga Ga! OK, she is a crazy girl, with a high marketing scheme! Her music is fun, and you can dance your face off to her in the club! And she can actually sing, for a crazy white girl, with no clothes on, and blue hair. The must have of the summer is Maxwells new album. If you want to get back to real soul music, and chill out on the porch, with your drink in hand. Maxwell is the way to go! This album is amazing, and takes me back to my roots. Now, OK, last but definitely not least is my Black Eyed Peas album. This is my all time favorite album of the summer! First of all, no one has there sound, and the music all sounds different but yet is still so cohesive. This album has gotten me thru many a gym workout this summer. The beats, Uh, the beats are bumpin! The music talks to me, and most of the time has an amazing message! Go buy this album!

Now for T.V. for me after a hot day, I want to sit in my house or hotel, with the air on and watch some good T.V. I have two shows in mind, True Blood on HBO! This campy show, with probably some of the best African American Unknown Actors, I have ever seen in my life. Is an amazing show, with a thrill, that will keep you at the edge of your seat, and wondering what happens next! This show is the one, and if you haven't seen the first season run to see it now! OK, for reality t.v. I must say I love "Run's House", it is today's Cosby Show, dealing with real issues. This family has it together, spiritually, emotionally and mentally. Don't get me wrong they make mistakes and are human. They learn and grow from it everyday. There is a tender heart to this series, and not to mention lots of love and humor. You would probably think, did he just say Run's House!?! Yes I did, and if you haven't seen it, shame on you. This show is amazing, and you would be hooked too. So much love and passion, and model family to use, if you want some great parenting tips.


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