Saturday, July 4, 2009

Blame It On The Alcohol

Last night, I went out, with the intentions of getting drunk with friends! When did that become my idea of having fun? Drinking really hard, the room spinning, eyes squinting, your loud, your dancing, your falling, your slurring, and that is my idea of having a great time? I remember the days when I had one cocktail, and it relaxed me, and I was just high on life! Not to mention the day after--hangover day-- is always the worse day of my life. I spent the whole next day searching for greasy foods, drinking tons of water, and feeling nauseous, having a massive headache, and just not feeling right. MISERABLE!!!!!

I had a grandmother, who I loved and adored more than anything! A wonderful lady, who cooked the best foods ever! Who spoiled me rotten, and made me feel like a king! Who encouraged me to do what I wanted, and never take "no" for an answer. Who all my friends called granny. The only problem is she was a raging alcoholic. I watched her transform into someone, you hated. I watched her bring embarrassment and pain to my family many a drunken night. How could this wonderful lady who everyone loved, including me be so wonderful sober??! And a totally different person drunk. Did I not learn from this? Oh I think I'm cool, and in control when I'm drunk! I'm fun, and the life of the party? NOT!

I'm writing this blog entry, to let you know my drinking (even though I don't do it that much), is over. A glass of wine at dinner, is the most I will do. This is in honor of me, and my grandmother!!! Drinking until I'm drunk is no fun, and I don't like who I become. "High on life", is my new motto. I also can't put my self through another hangover day like that again. It is so not worth it! I think the peer pressure of drinking will be hard for me at first. I know I can say NO, cause I'm not a follower and a strong person. I'm sorry Jamie Foxx, I can't blame it on the alcohol anymore!!!! My actions, are going to be blamed on me!!!

RIP Ellen Jane Finch/Whittington!!!! GRANNY!!!!!

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