Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A Saved Life

A little boy grows up in the hood of Pittsburgh. He is already a little different than most, his mom tells him to "Stop talking like that", and the boy goes "like what"? and she just smiles. The boy sings around the house and is obsessed with Whitney Houston. He likes to dress up, dress pants, shirts, ties, and dress shoes. He likes to have his hair perfect. He is just an odd boy. He can imagine and play by himself for hours. He is mixed looking, but only considers himself black. He talks very proper, but has a slight Pittsburgh ghetto swank that comes out once in a while. A confident fellow on the outside, so so insecure on the inside. This boy only wants to be "the best" , and fit in, a perfectionist. Fighting to be a star,and be told he is the best at everything he does. This boy will not rest until he is on top. He has no life at all. He goes to school during the day, has rehearsals after school, and then drives 20 minutes to downtown Pittsburgh to take acting class, dance class, and voice lessons. Five days a week, no real life at all, just always school, and extra curricular classes. AGAIN, he wants to be THE BEST! The boy realizes he has so many flaws, and that the best doesn't really exist! Scared, Insecure, but yet confident on the outside shell. A temper, like no tomorrow, will cuss you out in a second, and doesn't know how to stop it! Say one thing that this boy doesn't like and he will snap your head off.

This boy is scared of other African American boys, because, almost every time he would walk home, he would have to hide behind trees,and cars for hours. Cause his fellow peers would jump him, and kick his little light skinned ass. For what reason he wondered, "I have never done anything to them"? Scared, terrified to be around young men his own race! Associated them as the enemy! This boy was jumped like a good 12 times, and none of them were man enough to fight the boy one on one. His outside shell, and temper grew stronger and stronger.

This boy had a step father that he loved so much! Even though he forced him to play sports like basketball, that he never wanted to do. His step father had a temper, and was the only male figure he had in sight. His father, beat him up just like the boys on the street from time to time. He still loves his step father, and continued to look up to him. Cause when the times were good they were amazing!

This boy was spoiled to death, by his grandma and mother. He had everything he ever wanted, that is why he assumed he was rich, even though looking back the boy was poor as dirt. He always had cash, and treated his friends to fine things. When he was 15 he had a car, and everything was always taken care of for him. When he went to college this boy didn't even know how to do his laundry, or cook anything at all. He had to grow up and learn fast.

This boy went to church every Sunday, and prayed to the lord as much as he could. Although no one in his family went to church, He prayed that they would someday find Jesus. His mom said " I just pray at home, those people are hypocrites". "I can't sit in a church with people that go out drinking,smoke weed and are crazy, then go to church claiming they love the lord". The boy tried to convince his mom not to judge others, but she never listened. However she would show up on Sunday mornings when the boy was singing at the church. She always supported the boy if he had a show. Even if it meant getting up early in the morning to hear him sing.

The boy has done some bad things in his life, once in a while, but has always tried to pray and repent. He always grew from all the mistakes he has ever made, and changed it immediately.

The boy struggles with panic attacks, because of things that happened in his past. In his early childhood, some dark things took place, that he can't quite remember, but knows he has a scar from it for life.

The boy is no longer a boy anymore, but a man. A pretty successful performer at that! His temper still flairs at times, he is still considered different, because he enjoys being alone alot of the time. He marches to his own off beat! Does what he wants to do, when he wants to do it. He dreams big, and people look at him like "yeah right"? He takes crazy risks, in life, that are scary to most. He is focused, and still has many demons to fight and battle! He still has so much bottled up, and so much to say to the world. Oh he will do it, cause the man refuses to leave this earth until it is said and done!

Statistics state that the man should be in jail, selling drugs, or dead! The man has beat all the statistics, and prays that more young men in the hood can get out too.

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