Sunday, July 5, 2009


Today is my last night in Vegas, and I will be joining the tour back up in Dallas Texas! I'm very sad to be leaving Las Vegas. I forgot how many relationships I have cultivated over the years living here. I still have many close friends that I will miss dearly. It is so nice to be back in a place that I will now and forever call one of my homes. Being an actor, there are way to many places I call home. Las Vegas, is one home, that I will miss dearly. It is hard to be an actor in Vegas, though, can't move forward with the career, cause, there isn't much here. Unless you are content with singing in a lounge, or being in a production shows. I have so many more dreams to accomplish. Although I do enjoy the lifestyle!!!!

This week I saw The Lion King Las Vegas Company, and had many friends in the production. It was a great production of the show, and gave me chills. They had an amazing Rafiki, and every time she sang, my body would shiver in excitement, from her thrilling voice. I still dream of playing Simba one day! My friend Clifton Oliver played the part here, and he was amazing! Also, my best friend Monique Midgette, who I stayed with here, is in the show. One of the most talented singers I know. It was great to hang out with her for a week. To also see some of my Mamma Mia friends who still live here. Three years with those people, has formed a bond, that no one can take away. It was so great to catch up and be in there presence again. I will truly miss them, but I will see them all again, and knowing this business I will probably work with some of them in the near future. I also got to enjoy The Michael Buble, concert at the MGM! He is such a fantastic entertainer, and so clever, and funny. I enjoyed him, and his amazing band. I saw the Las Vegas Company of Jersey Boys as well. Not my favorite company definitely was better in Chicago and New York City. As I said before I got to hear some friends play in "The Santa Fe", band, and that is always amazing! They have a horn section, and some male vocalist that are a dream. Go see them if you are ever in town. They are a real treat! So many things to do, as so many new memories made here in Vegas. I will miss it all! Now off to journey to my new future, and close this Vegas chapter once and for all. Who knows what the future holds for me. Right now I have a job on tour with A Chorus Line, then New York City here I come November 15. See ya Vegas for now, until next time.

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