Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I'm back to work after a week off in Vegas, living life, and eating tons of sweets, and scarfing down food from my favorite restaurants. I worked out a little when I was in Vegas! Not as hard as I should have, but I did go to the LVAC (the gym)!! Well, last night, I had to put my blue mesh shirt back on! Cause the evil costume designer, of A Chorus Line, picked my track that I do every night to wear a Freaking Blue Mesh Shirt! This shirt is not forgiving, ex specially after a week off! All the swings, hate when I'm on for a principal or if I call in sick, because they have to wear that stupid shirt. I was searching for pics of me in the blue mesh, but every pic, I'm hiding behind someone, cause I hate it! One of the swings got permission to wear a tank top underneath it! But NO I can't wear a tank, I have to go out there with my nipples to the wind. I wouldn't be complaining, if I didn't just get back from vacation. I was at peace with the mesh for a while, now I'm back to square one. I can't imagine how I'm going to feel when I arrive in Tokyo, after having three weeks off of work, before we go! I'm just ranting to say that Blue Mesh Ain't For Everybody!

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