Wednesday, August 11, 2010

They Stare Like I'm Crazy

I can be on the train or walking my dog, and sometimes I am going over sides for upcoming film auditions. Sometimes I am reviewing my monologue for a class I am taking, or a new piece I am working on for a play. Sometimes after a couple of hours of Rosetta Stone in the morning, I like to go over what I learned in my head on the train into the city. I guess to the people walking next to me, or on the train, I look like I am talking to myself. Depending on the scene I am going over, I could be having fun, or very angry etc. I sometimes come out of my world which is play, and catch a glance at someone out the corner of my eye. They are staring so hard, like I am the craziest man to walk planet earth. This is New York City, don't they see other actors on the train going over lines? Or am I truly a maniac??? LOL I guess I would look at me like I was crazy too!!!!

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