I am quite shocked that a Brahmin bag has managed to tug at my heartstrings. I saw the Vanessa Rose Flap Bag in the September issue of Marie Claire and I was even more shocked when I saw that it was a Brahmin bag.
Years ago I worked in the handbag department at Nordstrom and Brahmin bags were our biggest seller. In my opinion, the bags were impossibly dowdy and I never showed them to shoppers unless they specifically asked for them. It was very hard for me to fake liking the bags and even harder for me to suggest them to someone. My manager talked to me on more than one occasion about my disdain for the bags and my reluctance to show them, lol!
I see Brahmin has new designs that are very much on trend. I prefer carrying this particular bag like a satchel as opposed to on the shoulder but to each their own. The bag comes in Walnut and Citron (shown above). Both colors would compliment this season’s neutral monochrome trend:
The bag retails for $325 and it is made from anaconda leather. I think this bag is a timeless silhouette in a to die for material that would add a bit of flair to a pair of jeans even.
I also have my eye on the Brahmin Amata Rose Flap Bag:
I’d love to know what my fellow handbag lovers think about Brahmin bags.
For more information:
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