Saturday, August 7, 2010

It Keeps Haunting Me

I have been craving the opportunity to go on an audition for weeks now, as you know if you read my blog. The summer time is just way slow when it comes to auditioning. Finally I got one, and it wasn't that big of a job. However, it was an audition for a little show, that a friend, is directing. I prepared, maybe even over prepared, as I only had one audition for the week, and have been bored. I walk into the audition, just relaxed feeling in good spirits ready to give my all. I started to sing, and right in the beginning of the song, I started off just a little pitchy, and felt myself reaching for the note. I got passed that and kept fighting for the rest of the song, as my voice trembled, and didn't have the zing, that I wanted it to have. I thought to myself, "oh well, you can't win them all". Then it was time to read the sides, and they said "Can you read it with a Spanish accent"! My face went blank, and my mind started racing! I read the scene being as honest as I can, but my Spanish accent SUCKED BIG TIME!!!!! This has been one of the worse auditioning experiences in my life. Last night, the audition decided to creep into my head, and payed my subconscious a visit. I kept replaying this horrible event in my mind, as I lay in the bed. You are supposed to let your auditions go after you do them, but this one is haunting me, and lurking over me! This monster is chasing me through out my day, and I can't shake him!!! LEAVE ME ALONE BAD AUDITION, LEAVE ME ALONE!

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