I tried to read the book Eat, Pray, Love, because Oprah told me I should read it. I attempted at the book about five times, and each time the book got more boring, more boring, and more boring. I had a discussion with my roommate about the book, as she loved every moment of this snore. She said "It is definitely a girl book, and you are not a girl, so of course you didn't connect to it". I chopped it all up in my head, that this book was meant for women, and left it alone.
Now the film is out, and I walked my booty to the movies to go see it, because I like Julia Roberts, and you all know I love Viola Davis!!!!! I sat there during the previews reminding myself that this is a chick flick, and I will probably hate it. To my pleasant surprise, I was so happy, and enjoyed every second of this film. The scenery was beautiful, the acting even better, and the story tug at my heart strings. I found many tears running down my face more than once during the movie. There was a beauty there in this simple film that forced me to lean back and connect to every moment. It was like watching a Deepak Chopra book come to life and as a result caused me to have a celebration of life, openness to love, and my outlook stretched. So many things that I have been studying lately about the universe, GOD, Love, Living in the now, and risk taking were all summed up in one movie. The thing I loved most about the flick, is that I walked out feeling like I learned more, and was a better man at the end of the film. This feeling rarely happens to me at a movie, when my mind expands, and my out look on life changes drastically from a picture.
The performances to watch out for are; of course Julia Roberts and Viola Davis. As they are all always good, but to me in this film they did nothing special, you have seen Julia Roberts like this before, it suited her, therefore no surprises. Viola's role was very simple, and not much to do with this work. All though, I would watch Viola Davis read the ABC's dramatically for hours over and over again. My favorite performance of the night was Richard Jenkins, as he played Richard from Texas. I have always enjoyed this actors work, but I left the movie being blown away by his performance in this film. I also walked out in love with a new comer I. Gusti Ayu Puspawati, every time this women opened her mouth, I laughed! She had the best one liners throughout the film, and stole every scene she was in. BRAVO!!!!!
Go be enlightened, and see this beautifully made chick flick! I left the movie with knowledge, and love in my heart. I am in search for my word....I also left wanting to go somewhere exotic asap.
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