Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Tour Life

I have been on tour for a little over a year now!  I have seen some beautiful and wonderful cities across the U.S.  It is a gift to me, because, I have seen most of Europe, and realized that I haven't seen my own country!  There is some beauty out there!!!  Some people that I have met along the way that are awesome.  Some stunning Cathedrals, Amusement Parks, Fun Bars, and many other things.  Not to mention, the wonderful cast of new friends that I'm touring with.   So much talent, and always learning, growing from each other!

On a down note, I'm sick of living out of suit case.  There is something to be said about staying put, and having your same friends.  The stability of life, and seeing the same people at the gym, grocery store, neighbors.  The since of community, the yearning to take an acting class.  To be back in the city that never sleeps, and to have people over for American Idol!  To go on many auditions, and to better yourself as an artist.  To actually be able to try not to be single anymore, and try to make a life with someone special.  All these things, you CANT really do on tour.

I'm trying to learn to focus, I have an amazing job.  In this time when people are out of work.  I'm saving so much money, and better yet, I'm doing the show of my dreams.  I only have 5 more months left.  We are also leaving the states and going to Asia!  That is going to be an awesome experience in itself!  I can't wait, and I have excitement bubbling in my stomach for the trip to Asia!

It has been hard lately for me to be a tourist, sometimes, I just wanna stay in my room, and do my show at night!  Sometimes I don't even wanna go out in this town, that I should be taking advantage of.  After a year, of seeing new places, and meeting new people.  I just don't wanna anymore.  I don't wanna wonder the city to find CVS, a Hair Cut, and the Gym!  I don't wanna be lost on the streets.  I don't wanna find a good restaurant!!!  I JUST DON'T WANNA!!!!

What I'm learning from writing this, is again, to live life day by day!  And try to live it to the fullest.  Even when  your dreams come true.  Sometimes, you don't know what you got until it's gone.  All the cliche's that I have heard and  know.  I have just relearned, and have more clarity.
This tour journey, is one that I wouldn't give up for the world.  I do look forward to the future, and will try real hard to enjoy the moment!  Six months after I leave this tour, I will miss tour life.  I know, cause that is how life is.

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