Sunday, May 31, 2009


My body already hurts in preparation for this intense show that I am in. If you don't know I'm in the national tour of A Chorus Line. Preparing for the show is intense for me. I have to get to work an hour early. Run around the theater to get the blood flowing. Then take the time to stretch every inch of my body. Not to mention rolling on the foam roller for 15 minutes. Usually our matinees are at 2pm. Once in a while there is a curve ball. I know it is strange, I'm complaining about a 1pm show. Only an hour difference right? Oh, but that hour makes so much of a difference. My body seems to reject the 1pm show. It is like "J.R. NO NO NO, THIS IS TOO EARLY"! I try so hard to tell my body, I have to, this is my job, and daddy needs the pay check. But my body doesn't listen to me. Every time we have a 1pm, my knee's say "I Hate You J.R". My thighs cramp up, and say "I know you warmed up properly,but I'm still angry"! The worse is when my neck decides it is not going to move at all!! Oh how I wish I could listen to my body!! But I can't, cause if I do listen, on Thursday (when my check clears), it won't be pretty. I have three more weeks of 1pm matinees. Oh wish me luck!!!!!

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