Friday, May 29, 2009

I Saw What They Were Hiring!!!!

Every morning I wake up, and eat breakfast, and groan in my head!  I think to myself "Do I really have to go to the gym today"? When is it going to be a way of life for me?   When will I enjoy every moment of lifting heavy things over my head?  When can I eat snicker's ice cream every evening?  When can I have spaghetti every day for dinner?  They told me it will all become a way of life.  I have been living like this (off and on) for three years now!  I'm still waiting, tick tock tick tock!  

I have to do these things for my craft, so that I can compete against the other guys in the room.  Just to be a leading man, I have to do this to myself.  Not to mention health reasons, but honestly that is not why I do what I do.

I walk into an audition, looking good, lean, nice big dimples, curly hair, and ready to give the room all my talent!  Then moments later, I'm the understudy, or I didn't get it.  Hmmm, what do I need to do?  Who got the part?  I look it up online, and there he is....HERCULES!!!!  Abs bulging out, Chest and Nipples Poking.  The same big dimples I have.  Nice straight and white teeth.   More than likely less talent, but damn does he look good!  WOW!!! 

So I say to myself, "Imagine what you could do, if you had that body, and the talent you already have"!  I could conquer the world!!!!!!!!!

Therefore, every morning I will continue to groan.  I'm going to lift until I can't anymore.  I'm going to put in my teeth whitener every evening.  I'm going to run millions of miles.  I'm going to eat a salad, and tons of protein!  I'm going to hate the world every morning.  I'm going to lift up my shirt in the locker room and admire my abs.  I'm going to wait until this thing I hate, becomes a way of life!!!  I'm going to make myself into THEM!!!!  Val, in  A Chorus Line, says it best:  I SAW WHAT THEY WERE HIRING!!!!

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