Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Show Me the Blog Updates

As the Communications Director for this year's Show Me the Blog Social Media and Blogging Conference, I want to keep my Stylish Life crew in the loop because I know you all plan to register and attend (not so subtle hint there). 

So here is what is going on at Show Me the Blog headquarters this week:

-  We debuted a sleek new web design.
-  We have a new sponsor on board! Yay!!
-  There are TWO scholarships to attend Show Me the Blog. Click here for more information.
-  Robyn Wright shared her 2010 Show Me the Blog experience
-  Exercise your right to VOTE

And last but certainly not least, we have sponsorship opportunities available. Show Me the Blog Social Media and Blogging Conference 2011 will be a highly interactive conference between attendees and their social media communities. Becoming a sponsor provides unlimited exposure for your brand. Your samples, marketing and promotional materials will be in the hands of new media influencers. Bloggers and social media enthusiasts are the most respected and regarded providers of information, news, and product reviews. As a sponsor, your brand or product will reach across multiple platforms, which translates into inquiries and potential sales. The benefit and ROI is immeasurable.

Show Me the Blog is the perfect place for your brand. For more information, please email us!


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