Thursday, March 17, 2011

Grooming (or lack thereof)

I posted the following statement on Facebook early this morning:

I DESPISE a poorly groomed man. Dude has a scraggly, lint infested beard, his locs are LOOOONG overdue for a good wash & retwisting. Crazy dirt beneath his nails, chapped lips, horrendous breath. Damn!!! *gagging*

I ride the same bus every morning to work when I don't feel up to the four block walk to the train. My Facebook message was about a man I see when I’m on the bus. On Wednesday I had the misfortune of sitting next to him. There I was sitting there reading a magazine, when this foul stench assaulted my nasal passages. My seatmate was a mouth reader and that foul stench was his breath. Excuse me...It was not even 7:30 a.m. Why oh why was his breath SO TERRIBLE???? The remainder of my bus ride was less than pleasant. I was unable to move because the bus was overly crowded, so I suffered in silence.

This morning I boarded the bus and saw the odoriferous man again. I found an empty seat away from him and gave him a long hard look. That long hard look prompted my Facebook update. I was in utter shock at the way he chooses to present himself to the world. Clearly he does not have a good woman in his life or perhaps he does and just does not care how he looks. His hands were ashy; his lips were so chapped they were peeling. He appears to have a job so why does he walk around looking so unkempt?

Women love men who take pride in their appearance. The quickest way to turn a woman off is to look as though you just rolled out of bed and started your day. I suggest the man from the bus invest in the following essentials quickly or get used to the cruel stares of strangers.

• Lip balm – I like Jack Black Intense Therapy Lip Balm.

• A tin of Altoid Smalls – those tiny mints do the trick!

• Hand cream – Eucerin Plus Intensive Repair Hand Cream

• A travel toothbrush and toothpaste – Brush after every meal.

In addition to these essentials, he should find a good loc maintenance person, invest in a quality rechargeable shaver, schedule a dentist appointment, and clip and clean beneath his nails. A little upkeep and investing in yourself can take you far in this world.



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