Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Why Can't I Be Carol Burnett?

A young Carol Burnett, had a dream, and tells a story of how a man anonymously gave her money for rent, acting school, and supported her career. So she didn't have to stress about rent, job, an extras, so she can give her career 100% attention. I want to train more and learn more, but can't afford it anymore! Someone believed in Carol Burnett so much, that he funded her New York City experience. She just focused, studied, auditioned, and perfected her craft. Until her big break came, and she made millions of dollars. She also paid her donor back with interest. The only stipulation the donor had was that she never mentioned his name. Till this day Carol Burnett is the only person who knows this mystery mans identity! I'm clicking my heels three times, I'm tugging on my ear, I'm closing my eyes very tight, and wishing I was Carol Burnett right about now!

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