Sunday, October 10, 2010

La Bete On Broadway

I went to see the play "La Bete" on Broadway, starring David Hyde Pierce, and Joanne Lumley (Absolutely Fabulous) which is the whole reason I went to see the piece. The whole cast was superb even down to the small players of the piece. Every actor so connected to a rhythm, and timing that I can't even fathom. As an actor if I received this script I would be so intimidated by this piece, it takes true talent to pull this off. The thing that made it so brilliant, was they spoke the lines, as pedestrian as possible. You understood every intent, although, it is a heighten piece written in prose. It was a masterpiece at comedy this work was on stage. I started the show laughing, and never stopped, as the timing was so spot on and perfect. David Hyde Pierce was fantastic as usual, and it was nice to see Joanne Lumley do something different. I applaud this whole company for there work, and it has inspired me as a actor. I am saving the best part of this play for last, the true star of the show, and the person who steals this whole production away from everyone is Mark Rylance. I can't even put into words how overly impressed I am with his work. He was on another level as actor, as he took this play, stole every scene, and wiped the stage with his talent. This man is extraordinary, and I haven't seen a performance like this in my life. These are big words coming from me, who is so critical of many actors. I wish I could type on this page how amazing this man was, but no words can express his work. If I were you blog world I would run to see this play, and run even faster to see the genius which is Mark Rylance!

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