Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Emmy Awards 2010

I want to put on note The Emmy's were brilliant this season! As you know I love Awards Shows, and this one was just a smash from beginning to end. The director and the show, deserve an Emmy for there work. LOL! The opening montage with the Glee kids, just made me so happy, and was one of the funniest, most clever, and entertaining openings I had seen in awhile. Jimmy Fallon was an amazing choice, and I think they should go with him again for next years telecast. His timing was superb, and he kept the show moving at a great pace!

The awards had some surprises, and it was interesting to see the homosexuals clean up in the comedy T.V. category. Homosexuals have come a long way in the T.V. medium. It was amazing to see Jane Lynch, Neil Patrick Harris, and I am assuming that nerdy dude from "The Big Bang Theory" is gay-- Jim Parsons, Ryan Murphy, and Eric Stonestreet from Modern Family ( Who is not gay, but plays a gay character)win! Who would have thunk it, but I guess gay folks are funny.

Edie Falco who won for her performance on "Nurse Betty", started by saying "I am not funny", that is a tough category, to be a comedic actress nominee, and be a dramatic actress on a comedy show. This can be very tricky, and I am sure hard to vote. Just as I feel the same for Toni Colliette, and a couple other people nominated in this genre.

My least favorite speech of the night was Kyra Sedgwick, her speech came off very cold, and prepared. Some friends tweeted, and on facebook said she seemed like a bitch. I think she is probably a wonderful lady, but she has to work on winning an award. She read her speech which I usually hate, but it had no heart and feeling.

The other interesting part of the show was the awards for mini-series, it was like every show was from HBO! HBO swept the mini-series category. There were so many good ones this season, and it was interesting to see who was going to win. Temple Grandin being my favorite. It was nice to see Claire Danes win for her work. As I blogged about her and the show awhile back. Check it out, I predict her win for best actress. She was the belle of the ball and looked amazing. It was also great to see my idol Al Pachino win, as he gave a socially awkward speech. I'm so mesmerized by his work, and I have to work with him one day! Lastly to see the project "The Pacific" win, this massive project should win, for the amount of detail and work they put into it.

Jewel sang during the memorandum, which was done with such class, and taste! I'm telling you the Emmy Awards was the show to watch. The Tony's, The Oscar's, and The Golden Globes need to take note on how an award show should be run. BRAVO!!!!

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