Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Reinventing The Body, Resurrecting The Soul

I was suggested to read a book, from my mentor, Ken Roberson, who is best known as a Broadway choreography. Google him for his extensive resume, lol. At any rate, he noticed some stress in my energy, at a dinner party he had for me and friend. He told me to go out and get this book, "Reinventing The Body, Resurrecting The Soul" written by Deepak Chopra. This was my first Chopra book, and it was exactly what the doctor ordered and more. This book has relaxed me, and helped change my ideals on many life things. Somethings were common sense and I already knew, but the things that I needed, has enlightened me on a higher level. If I was to have tried to read this book, two years ago, I would have laughed and thought it was a bunch of mumbo jumbo! At this point in my life, reading this book and taking the exercises seriously. It has completely changed my well being, and life forever! So many things I have held onto, and now I have released it all to the universe. It is a great self help book, and I highly recommend it!

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