Thursday, June 17, 2010

Fighting, Fighting, Fighting!!!!!

I have been meeting with some big folks in the business we call show. I am blessed to have the opportunity to meet with people who can further my career. However, I am fighting so many curses in this business called show! I had no idea that being a working actor on Broadway would prohibited my career, and scar me at times. When casting people say that I am too musical theater because of my resume, and dismiss even giving me a chance to audition, bothers the crap out of me. When you can't get seen for a project because they think musical theater is a curse of the over actor, is fight that I have to fight!

I have been reading the agents breakdowns lately, and I won't tell you how I get them, but I get them. LOL Everyday I read it, and every project lately to audition for is Caucasian. WOW, I knew it was bad for the ethnics, but it almost slim pickens in the film/t.v. world for an African American Actor. I can't believe how much work I would have the opportunity to audition for if I was just Caucasian! It is a crazy thing, and there is even less for Asians, and Latinos. We need more writers out there, who write for us, or who just writes, and has no race attached to the project! It is so discouraging to read the breakdowns and the first thing you see is Caucasian actor, Caucasian actor, Caucasian actor, Caucasian actor, Caucasian actor, straight down the list!

Auditioning is fun me, and I love to prepare, and I put my whole heart into my work. There is nothing I enjoy more than acting, and nothing else I want to do. I know this is what I'm supposed to be doing as well. I have had too much success thus far, and have been blessed to be able to touch people in the world with my work on stage. This fight against the natural circumstances of the world, is going to be a tough battle. Send prayers, and good vibes my way, as I go on my journey! Wish me luck as I fight things I have no control over! HERE I GO!

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