Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Miracle Worker

On Sunday the revival of "The Miracle Worker" on Broadway closed, way too early! I got a free ticket to the closing night performance, with people like Jay Binder, and Joan Rivers sitting right behind me. I think in times like these (a recession) folks don't want to see a play about a deaf/blind girl! However, this piece on Broadway was so well done, moving, and so beautiful! I wish everyone got a chance to see this classic play revived in such a good manner. The direction was simple, and yet you got carried away to this other world, that was so honest, and natural! I really enjoyed this production of the show, the team of actors in this piece was so extraordinary!

Two people to watch out for and should have Tony nominations in my eyes are actress: Alison Pill and Abigail Breslin. These two performance were the heart of the show! Don't get me wrong the other actors were superb, but by nature of the writing, and the piece, these two characters naturally draw you in. These two amazing talents did more than give justice to the piece. Alison Pill you might recognize from HBO's "In Treatment" or the movie "MIlk"! I have enjoyed her work on t.v. and film, and after seeing her portrayal of Annie Sullivan I am official a fan of the young, mature, actress! This is an actress on the rise, with so much, strength, conviction, passion, and truth in her performance. She has swept me away as an actor, and I want to work with her now! I know you all know Abigail Breslin, best known from the movie "little Miss Sunshine"! This performance is so stellar, it is like a 40 year old veteran actress, is stuck in a little girls body! She was so superb, in it from the beginning to the end! She only says two words in the play, and yet she captivates you, and takes you to places emotionally that some adult actors couldn't even begin to do. This little girl is a star, and we all better watch out for her. She carried the show, and her Helen Keller, should go down in history, as one of the best! Too bad, theater goers, didn't go out and get to see this short lived Broadway show. With so much critical acclaim, and for good reason. I guess that is the nature of the beast, you can do some really good work, be a part of a beautiful new revived project, and it still become a big old flop. Not fair, but this is the business I love so much and chose to be in.

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