Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Finding Me

I had a great film class this past Monday, it is such a hands on experience type of a class. I absolutely love it, and truly look forward to going to this class! I never mentioned the name of my teacher, his name is Bill Hopkins, and he teaches this same class at Stella Adler, Lee Strasberg School, and Weist Baron. I must admit the hardest part is memorizing the copy you get, as soon as you walk into class. He sits down and "type" casts you, and you uncomfortable watch him as he glares at you for fifteen minutes, going back forth with different scripts. Then you go and do your best to work with your partner swiftly, to come up with, what the hell you think is going on, and get this puppy stuck in your brain somehow! It was amazing watching the people who are re-taking his class, (because they love it so much), they memorize copy so fast, and go and shoot that stuff like a pro would. Us newbies go into the blocking praying the copy is memorized, and hoping the magic happens as he directs you. Watching myself back on Monday was very eye opening for me. WOW, I look so intense, and boy do I have big ass cheeks! I couldn't stop watching my big cheeks move up and down, so I have no idea how my acting was. He kept saying "good J.R.", so I guess I did fine. However, those big fat cheeks flopping in the wind was a little overwhelming. I can't wait until I'm not so self conscious at looking at myself. Will I ever be comfortable? Hmmm, Bill says we will be, but we shall see? Nevertheless it is like getting to play every week. To work on your acting chops, at the same time memorization skills, and yet trying to master the art of film acting. This to me is a dream come true, and I am enjoying every moment of this experience!

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