Wednesday, December 23, 2009


When i think of home, I think of a place, where there is love over flowing! That is such an amazing first sentence, I wish I actually wrote it, and it wasn't lyrics from "The Wiz"! I am home right now in Pittsburgh, and smiling from ear to ear! My nieces, my dog, my family, the big old Christmas tree, the presents under the tree! The smell of the Pittsburgh air, the cars covered in snow! I love coming home, as I never had a chance to be home for the holidays, in over eight years. I am always working on Christmas, but this year, I am unemployed, and taking advantage of my family! I probably won't blog as much this week my blog family, as I am going to enjoy this holiday week, eating, no gym, no stress, no blogs, just me and my family! I wish all of you bloggers that read my blog, a Happy Holidays!

Much Love


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