Thursday, May 19, 2011

TGIF {A Stress Free Weekend}

I am so happy today is Friday. This work week has depleted ALL my energy and tested my already short patience. Each day I leave work feeling as if I have been in a street fight and lost. My job is not physical at all but the mental stress is just that bad. I can say without any hesitation that I have never worked in such a weird environment. The office is devoid of energy and personality, add to that the unneccessary foolishness that takes place and you have five days of complete madness that take quite a toll on yours truly.

I have been in a work related funk all week and I need some peace and quiet. I need a new job but that goes without saying... Today after work, I cannot get home quick enough. I'm turning my cell phone OFF. The home phone ringer will be turned OFF. I'm not going anywhere. I don't want to see or talk to anyone. My weekend is all about de-stressing and getting some much needed rest.

Hopefully when I return to the world on Monday, I will be relaxed and ready to handle what comes my way.

Hope you all have a great weekend!!!!

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