Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My First Audition of 2011

Today I ventured out on my first audition of the New Year. I had a little fear as I hadn't auditioned in awhile, and it was so early in the a.m. I was worried about waking my voice up, as it was a vocal audition. I got up early this morning, to walk my dog, and warm my voice as much as possible. I get to the call, and the casting people where a little behind. Which was good for me to just get into a great mental state. I went in the room, and sang from my heart. It is fun to give the auditor a piece of you, as my voice lifted up in the room, and I tried to stay true to the acting in the piece. Whether I get it or not, It was a good start to a New Year. I am ready to sing, and act for my life. Here is to my dreams coming true!!!!!

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